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new tires

Jan 27, 2015 at 08:37 AM CST
where does all themoney from thetax om truck tires go. Ithought that was to help the ifastructure problems .Look at the amount of tires sold in a year 1.5 millon x 25.00=37.5billon andthats a guess on total sales. Wheres that money?
Replied on Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 02:30 PM CST
Ohhh you'll like this one..FET federal excise tax..is a tax that's been around for many many years..everything before WW1 had FET on it..and the income tax was passed to fund the war. And as we all know..never left.FET goes into the general fund..and has nothing to do with infrastructure, unless it happens to be taken out of the general fund and put binhto an infrastructure job. I remember when I was a kid and bought my mom a bar of fancy soap..it had FET on it..today about the only thing that has FET are trucks over 33000 gross and tires..the gas tax as in federal and state was to go ONLY to road infrastructure..but now goes to anything that moves people or freight..as in the ferry's,the rapid transits,or any thing that a politician wants..and a lobbyist pays him for..so next time that you hit that big pothole..think of where that money went to..to some ferry that would be broke except for that gas tax money,or that light rail system that has 2 people on it.that's YOUR gas taxes at work for you..and your politicians ...