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message to author of " more drowsy, ocer worked truck drivers"

Dec 11, 2014 at 08:11 PM CST
it is obvious u have no clue as to what the truck drivers wishes are concerning this ubsubtatiated, no true unbias study law. many whom i have have spoken to want the repeal and it is clueless people like your self who probably either have never driven a truck or part of a union who favor this idiotic law. You people should take the time and actually talk to all truck drivers, not just a select few who share your views, but all truck drivers and you would see how hated this law has become by the majority. not only has it not proven to not be safe, the whole industry is suffering because of this backwards thinking. perhaps you should take the time and find someone who is a trucker and ask to ride with them for a month or two and see everything we have to deal with before having thought or ideas about something im pretty sure you have true idea or cause about!!!!

(i invite all my brothers and siters out there to join in on this converstation. thx for reading the post, hope you can add to it!!!)