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TQL at it again

Aug 15, 2023 at 11:48 AM CST
+ 11
Aberdeen, SD Nampa, ID Dist: 1,163mi W, Bounce: ~91mi SW 1 ld - 8/11 to 8/14, All Hoppers Added 5 Days Ago Rate: $70/ton TOTAL QUALITY LOGISTICS 123 (5) TQL has a load posted on Bulkloads from Enderlin ND to Nampo ID for $70/ton! That is 1.80/mile on a 30 ton load and 1.50/mile on a 25 ton load! Must be a new graduate of broker school!
Replied on Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 12:22 PM CST
+ 2
Someone will still move it. We are our own worst enemy. Pneumatic loads that I moved before the world went stupid at 6 to 8 dollars per loaded mile are now getting brokered and moved for 3 and 4 dollars. These are out and back loads. So half your miles are empty. Truck companies that have no bulk equipment are the ones killing the rates on the stuff I used to run. I moved two loads on a dry van for tql and told them to lose my number. The rates were fine but the broker never turned in his part of the paperwork. So eventually they just paid me without it.
Replied on Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 12:22 PM CST

They are just hopping there has been enough door swingers switch over to hoppers that they can get it covered. Sad part is they probably will.

Replied on Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 05:09 PM CST

All that's left at this point in time is scraps. I've parked the truck and I'm getting caught up on maintenance before harvest.

Replied on Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 06:59 AM CST
Quote: "Someone will still move it. We are our own worst enemy. Pneumatic loads that I moved before the world went stupid at 6 to 8 dollars per loaded mile are now getting brokered and moved for 3 and 4 dollars. These are out and back loads. So half your miles are empty. Truck companies that have no bulk equipment are the ones killing the rates on the stuff I used to run. I moved two loads on a dry van for tql and told them to lose my number. The rates were fine but the broker never turned in his part of the paperwork. So eventually they just paid me without it."

First half of '22 was $8 to $10 a loaded mile.

Replied on Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 10:05 AM CST
Oh, they're doing it on the tanker lanes too. Milwaukee, WI to Deer Park, TX "my customer was looking to get it done for 5k". Ummm, no
Replied on Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 07:03 AM CST
Don't worry, bulk tanker co from LR,Ar. is circling like a shark. Feeding off spoils and garbage.
Replied on Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 08:02 PM CST
TQL has completely ruined the tanker industry by cutting the rates i have lost alot of work because of them
Replied on Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:16 PM CST

oh and they are up here now as well, 100 loads here, 50 loads there. BRING ME YOU BEST RATE, that's how lazy they are, funny thing is they dont even kinow their customer or the conditions of the loads, if you want to train their staff, please give them a call.

Replied on Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 12:23 PM CST
Quote: "oh and they are up here now as well, 100 loads here, 50 loads there. BRING ME YOU BEST RATE, that's how lazy they are, funny thing is they dont even kinow their customer or the conditions of the loads, if you want to train their staff, please give them a call."

I had a call with a TQL agent about 4 years ago about stripe flowers out of Texas to Oakley Ks. He had no clue about how much the product weighed. I figured up the rate that we would need to have to make the load work. He then began to explain to me that I was wrong and how he figured the rate. I then told him "you can't fix stupid" and hung up. Needless to say, we have never hauled a bulk load for TQL or will we ever haul a load for them! I did get a call from their quaility team asking why I made the comment that I made on this forum and I politely said "the truth hurts" and once again hung up.