Home > Classifieds > Available Jobs > Lined Tanks Near Milwaukee, WI

Lined Tanks near Milwaukee, WI

Aug 31, 2020 at 04:52 PM CST

Hi there,

I am looking for 1 to 2 reliable HazMat tanker companies that run lined tankers in/out of Milwaukee. I am not with TQL or any other brokerage that is okay with paying crappy rates. I DON"T MOVE CHEAP FREIGHT. The company I am employed with has it's own fleet of tankers & specializes in the transport of HazMat chemicals. Unfortunately, our fleet does not consist of lined tankers. I want the companies I partner with to provide a great service & I understand this requires paying them well for their time, risk & skill set.

If you run HazMat in lined tankers, please shoot me an email or give me a call.

Amber Stelman

[email protected]

