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Mar 20, 2024 at 07:32 PM CST
+ 9 - 1
How can an owner/operator of a 38’ end dump get help with fuel?? I’m literally going to go belly up just because I don’t have funds for fuel.. my net 30 invoices are only 5 days away from being payed but the 21st is when my insurance is due and my truck is on E and it’s 750$ to fill it… idk what to do …
Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 07:56 AM CST
Keep tarp closed even when empty it’s like putting a parachute when open empty .
Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 07:58 AM CST

Its not any immediate help, but I use a COMDATA card for my mom and pop, or local fuel stop's when their price is lower than the corporate stops. You would have to apply for it, and it has a $15 monthly card charge. It operates like a credit card, and i have it so it automatically draws from you bank account every week. They do have credit limits, but allows you one week of fuel ups if the credit limit they give you is high enough. The other option ilike is a ES Advantage fuel card. It has to be pre funded and the fee's (when ach usually 1% of the amount you load, and a $1) can't hardly be beat when you figure in the discount you can get when fueling up. The discount always varies, sometimes $.30, some times $.90. It works at Loves, T/A, Petro, and some other. Very user friendly and easy to pre load with funds directly from your account with either a ACH, or charge from your debit card. When running over the road, i have had it save me well over $1,000 in a month because of discounts. They have a referal program, and is easy to get set up.

Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 02:02 PM CST

You should have 6 months of operating capital on hand, that includes extra money for breakdowns.

Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 02:02 PM CST
+ 1

A line of credit at the bank would keep you from disclosing your "woes" on the WORLD WIDE WEB.

Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 04:21 PM CST
+ 1
We are trusting in Jesus. As we are in the same boat as you. ❤️
Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 04:21 PM CST
Like my dad always taught me “it takes money to make money”
Replied on Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 09:41 PM CST
Quote: "Its not any immediate help, but I use a COMDATA card for my mom and pop, or local fuel stop's when their price is lower than the corporate stops. You would have to apply for it, and it has a $15 monthly card charge. It operates like a credit card, and i have it so it automatically draws from you bank account every week. They do have credit limits, but allows you one week of fuel ups if the credit limit they give you is high enough. The other option ilike is a ES Advantage fuel card. It has to be pre funded and the fee's (when ach usually 1% of the amount you load, and a $1) can't hardly be beat when you figure in the discount you can get when fueling up. The discount always varies, sometimes $.30, some times $.90. It works at Loves, T/A, Petro, and some other. Very user friendly and easy to pre load with funds directly from your account with either a ACH, or charge from your debit card. When running over the road, i have had it save me well over $1,000 in a month because of discounts. They have a referal program, and is easy to get set up."

So you preload money on to a card then buy fuel.
so the guy can't buy fuel and he is already backed into a corner

Replied on Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 07:53 AM CST
Quote: "We are trusting in Jesus. As we are in the same boat as you. ❤️"

Amen Your Not the only ones,our Boat is behind yours.Sofar Jesus Christ has help us true it,Ill radar live true a tuff times being Self Employed than working for somebody else.
Replied on Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 07:21 AM CST
+ 1
Quote: "So you preload money on to a card then buy fuel. so the guy can't buy fuel and he is already backed into a corner"

I think he said "i know it isnt any immediate help" but it could help him in the future. I know I am glad he shared the information. my understanding is a "forum" is for sharing information.

Replied on Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 11:02 AM CST
Quote: "So you preload money on to a card then buy fuel. so the guy can't buy fuel and he is already backed into a corner"

If the guy can't buy fuel now, probably the only possible immediate option is an operating loan, which i highly don't recomend in the trucking business unless you have a strong and healthy weekly cash flow. If you could comprehended the first part of my reply, one could possibly figure with the statement, "Not of any immediate help" that i was not suggesting immediate help..... So further down the road, if he gets back on his feet with funds for fuel, these are some options to save money on fuel. I like to keep $2,000 on my "pre-loaded" card, and every time i fill up, i reload what i just spent for the fill up. This ensure's i always have funds for fuel. Does that help Brad?

Replied on Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 11:05 AM CST

I hope you made it through and now have cash flow coming in. If you bill weekly, you should have money coming in every week. I would look at a discover card or another credit card and get a big balance. Pay the card off weekly or monthly so you have no intrest payments. also some cards will pay you cash back for using their cards. Hook this card to Mudflap and search for the best deals. That is how we do things and it seems to work. I will say, it takes a few years to be solvent, but when you get to that point, it is a great feeling!

Best of luck and I hope you find success!

Replied on Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 06:48 PM CST
Join NASTIC it will cost you 250 a year you will save a ton of money you will make it back in a couple of weeks there number is 800 264 8580 .
Replied on Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 08:44 AM CST

Quit now while you still have something your gong to fail and have nothing.

Replied on Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 10:17 AM CST

Raise your rates. Just because everyone else hauls for cheap, doesn't mean they aren't going broke doing it.

Replied on Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 01:04 PM CST
Quote: "Raise your rates. Just because everyone else hauls for cheap, doesn't mean they aren't going broke doing it. "

Not until they DO go broke. Position yourself.

Replied on Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 02:38 PM CST
+ 1 - 1
Keep your eyes on the prize, what do you win if you outlast the other guys? The chance to compete against a totally new group of morons who don’t know why they are doing, and they come fully equipped with a fresh line of credit strait out the CDL mills, as yours dries up. Look at the meltdown in the Middle East guess where fuel prices and the economy are headed? Who has who by the balls?
Replied on Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 07:40 AM CST
Brandon. I don't know if I can help or not. Give me a call if you want and I'll seeif my ideas help Art Pfluger 602 - 679 - 0519
Replied on Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 08:24 AM CST

Another case of no business plan or a poor one dealing with fuel purchase should not come as a surprise but should have been planned on before you ever hauled your first load, trucking is easy to get into because every dealer has to sell you something to stay in business so then unprepared or unqaulfied people get into trucking which is profitable if done correctly, use your credit card if you have one and continue to struggle, with the election coming up I would take a long hard look what will happen if we continue down the same path we are on, will there be more work or less and will you be able to make it ? regroup prepare for the worst and if the world gets better then try again but use the lessen learned from this go around or ruin your credit loose what you got and work a 9 to 5 job blaming the world because you were stubborn or develop a business plan that works change your billing terms and work on succeding instead of wimpering you need help.