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I'm about to give up!!

Feb 07, 2024 at 11:30 AM CST
+ 27 - 2

This has been one heck of a roller coaster ride and ive had my fill i feel like im just going in circles and getting no where Ive been home since saturday and now its wednesday and still cant get a load out and everytime i get plan together the rug just pulls out from underneath of me everytime and i mean its everytime im not sure what the hell is going on out there but it needs to come to a stop i get that customers like using the same carriers and keep them busy because they have done alot of business with them over the years i get that but damn sometimes you gotta give a guy a chance i maybe a one man show and i'm not looking to become a big fleet owner and nor i want to bear with that responsibilty i love doing my own thing and i'm lookin to atleast stay busy and not be struggling and yes i have a lowside hopper right now so which limits me on hauling certain products but its the only trailer i could find right now to rent until i can get my revenue up to a reasonable amount steady then i can purchase a taller hopper or even a end dump in the future but also i would love to get a contract with a customer or even with a broker that i can count on as well they can count on me and it has to be a 2 way street for it to work! All im asking is a little help to point me in the right direction so i can get to where i would like to be im not asking to give up your secrets but just a little nudge My thought right now is to sell the truck and just walk away but my wife thinks i should keep at it because ive worked too damn hard for the last 31 years of driving to get to where i am today ! I may not own my dream truck but i do own my own truck and i love what i do and i take pride in it im just so fustrated having the rug pulled out every single time so if anyone has any leads that can point me in the right direction that would be awesome and just give a guy a chance Thank you!

Replied on Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 03:40 PM CST
Steve, where are based out of?
Replied on Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 03:40 PM CST
+ 1


It is hard to compete as a one-man show in the hopper work when most companies are looking to make one phone call and cover 50 loads. Perhaps you should look into leasing to a local hopper carrier in your area that can leverage its size to gain work. I am afraid unless you find a carrier or broker to pass work your way, surviving as a single truck operation is going to be very difficult. It is not impossible, but it will be difficult.

Replied on Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 07:48 PM CST
Quote: "Steve, where are based out of?"

Auburn IL

Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 06:56 AM CST
Quote: "Auburn IL"

I sent you an email

Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 06:56 AM CST
Quote: "Auburn IL"

Any elevators near you or west of you that need help moving grain into Decatur? Low side hopper can be tough for commodities, but concentrate on dense commodities like grain or meals.
Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 06:56 AM CST

Hang jn there buddy .I pull a tank it's not any better here . 2loads all year and I just dropped 15087$$ in my 1999 kenwoth .

Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 07:50 AM CST

At least you've been home with a paid off truck. I've been sitting just as long on the other side of the country with an overly expensive truck note.

Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 10:26 AM CST

I'm kind of the same way, been hauling part time for almost 20 years, and just retired from my full time job last fall. I've been busy up untill the last few weeks. My usual places say that with prices dropping there just isn't much moving, nobody's selling. I found some beans, but at $0.45 on a 140 mile haul it really doesn't work for me. We have a large grain company that generally pays well, but they are going to take care of their regulars first and I understand that. Luckily I have plenty to do around home and on the farm to stay busy for now.

Replied on Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 10:32 AM CST
+ 4


We are all feeling it right now. Giving up is choosing failure. I have been in this for 11 years. Many times over the years I have occupied that very headspace including a couple weeks ago. I am still not out of the woods yet. This past December and January about wiped me out, and I have 5 trucks. Part of this is that the market outside of the stability of bulk loads got very lucrative during Covid, and trucking company registrations nearly doubled, going from around 270,000 to nearly a half million. Last year those rates and the demand for capacity dropped. Many of those companies necessarily will fail, because there isn't demand to support the capacity. We are feeling it because new entities are jumping into my niche, because their market became volatile. That coupled with a sharper than average slowdown, and we were in trouble. You have to make the decision to stay or go, and fight for your spot. Sometimes, that involves getting in your pickup and having a face to face with potential regular customers, give them a business card. You might look for a trade organization to join. This correction is hitting everyone. many companies will fail. The stubborn creative problem solvers are who survives.

You already identified some of the issues that causes your problems. As the captain of your ship, it is up to you to patch the holes in your boat or stare at the water coming in. Try leasing to a larger company as others suggested until you ride out the storm, and save up for your better trailer, if you can. Look for power only and don't rent a trailer that is not earning its keep. I am not sure how long you have been in business but if it has been over a year and you are doing the books right, you should be able to get commercial financing for better equipment. Also, owning a trucking company isn't worth destroying your quality of life over. If you can make decent money hauling for someone else, and you don't like what you do, don't throw good money after bad. You have your wife behind you, and that tells me it isn't a lost cause.

Replied on Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 09:13 AM CST
+ 1

As long as you continue to haul loads or freight that every one else can do you will always be fighting low rates because as soon as money can be made everyone will jump in and the rates will go down you need to find something that requires a special need that will compensate you for your ability if you are a sit on your butt steering wheel holder and that is all you wish to be you will always get cheap work because that's what your worth, find a niche get away from the crowd and you will prosper, there is plenty of work for people that stand out and can think and get it done, have you been pushed to the side of the road while a police escorted load of something special goes by making real money and you have thought boy would I like to do that ? get off your butt and go do it, you put your pants on just like the guy doing that good paying work stop complaining reevaluate your situation and go do it, long time ago President of Fontaine trailer told me there is no money in hauling weight, high wide and light look at what your doing trying to make money on hauling weight, if I have not insulted you and pissed you off respond back and maybe we can send you some ideas, we give work away every day but it is not for every driver we have had drivers quit the first day because they stressed out, which now some mutt steering wheel holder is sitting there wondering what could stress out a driver ? 36' wide 50' tall and yes those loads exist infact we have done 55' wide in Atlanta GA. and we do 20+'wide right down to the capital in DC and no it not a building so look aorund there is money to be made you just need to go after it.

Replied on Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 09:44 AM CST
Quote: "As long as you continue to haul loads or freight that every one else can do you will always be fighting low rates because as soon as money can be made everyone will jump in and the rates will go down you need to find something that requires a special need that will compensate you for your ability if you are a sit on your butt steering wheel holder and that is all you wish to be you will always get cheap work because that's what your worth, find a niche get away from the crowd and you will prosper, there is plenty of work for people that stand out and can think and get it done, have you been pushed to the side of the road while a police escorted load of something special goes by making real money and you have thought boy would I like to do that ? get off your butt and go do it, you put your pants on just like the guy doing that good paying work stop complaining reevaluate your situation and go do it, long time ago President of Fontaine trailer told me there is no money in hauling weight, high wide and light look at what your doing trying to make money on hauling weight, if I have not insulted you and pissed you off respond back and maybe we can send you some ideas, we give work away every day but it is not for every driver we have had drivers quit the first day because they stressed out, which now some mutt steering wheel holder is sitting there wondering what could stress out a driver ? 36' wide 50' tall and yes those loads exist infact we have done 55' wide in Atlanta GA. and we do 20+'wide right down to the capital in DC and no it not a building so look aorund there is money to be made you just need to go after it. "

He's right 100%

Replied on Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 11:02 AM CST
+ 2
When I am hurting for loads or keeping trucks busy I wake up and am on the phone all day… researching. Looking at towns on Google. Looking at factory’s and making phone calls.. yeah may strike out on 100. But it only takes that one person to give you a chance and the. Take care of them and they will take care of you.. I understand how you may be feeling down we have all felt that way on trucking.
Replied on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:17 PM CST
+ 1

Steve, I will drop you an email. Hang in there, though. Nobody ever said a grain hopper and finding your own loads was easy.

Replied on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:17 PM CST
Quote: "I'm kind of the same way, been hauling part time for almost 20 years, and just retired from my full time job last fall. I've been busy up untill the last few weeks. My usual places say that with prices dropping there just isn't much moving, nobody's selling. I found some beans, but at $0.45 on a 140 mile haul it really doesn't work for me. We have a large grain company that generally pays well, but they are going to take care of their regulars first and I understand that. Luckily I have plenty to do around home and on the farm to stay busy for now."

James, I am also based in Kansas. If you want to compare notes, you can email me at: [email protected]

Or you can text me at: 620-203-8177.

Maybe we can help each other a little bit.

Replied on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:17 PM CST

Okay, well....drop me an email at: [email protected] or you can text me at: 620-203-8177. My technology isn't working this morning and so it won't let me drop you an email at the moment. Sorry. I'm willing to share what very little I know. Maybe I can give you some suggestions or something, even though I'm still fairly new at finiding my own loads.

Replied on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:18 PM CST
+ 1
If your trying to make big money and be home every night it's not going to happen
Replied on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 09:19 PM CST

Steven I feel for you. Text me at 417-322-4140 and we can chat some time. I have several loads of my own to haul but also haul loads for hire. I currently have 5 Owner operators leased on with me plus my trucks and a couple guys that haul for me full time but with their authority. I'm looking to grow my truck basis to cover more loads. I noticed you're close to St. Louis. I moved 20 loads from St. Louis on Friday.

Replied on Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 11:55 AM CST

Hang in there. It's been one heck of a winter for us too. Spring is right around the corner. I have been looking up grainaries and other shipping companies close to me and going straight to them asking for opportunities. Sometimes I feel like I'm going through this alone. But gotta keep pushing forward, keep struggling forward. Everytime I feel like quitting I think of the guy in the gold mine that quit right before striking gold. That's what keeps me going everyday. We have approximately $250k invested in our trucks and trailers, so sometimes the weight bares down on us. I saw an article on here with the top ten graineries there's a list in there with contact info and all. Try that. I hope things get better for you!

Replied on Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 08:16 PM CST
+ 1

Hang in there buddy I have been sitting at home on the couch for 3 weeks straight. I pull dry bulk cement tankers. It's normally slow for me this time of year but I have never seen it this slow. I have my own authority and the insurance, equipment payments and payroll still has to be processed even though no revenue is coming in. I have even tried to run some power only loads just to get some revenue coming in. All I can do is pray that things are going to get better.

Replied on Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 09:31 AM CST

Steve, don't feel bad, it's the slowest I've seen it since I started hauling bulk. The normal commodity flow seems a bit off, and trucking as a whole seems like it's headed deeper into a downturn.

Replied on Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 01:51 PM CST
- 1
The majority of manufacturing jobs have left the country, and Ai is replacing the tech sector, millions of immigrants are pouring in here along with that, now if all these people are going to come into trucking then how can things get better? Is it really practical to think that 80% of the country’s population can drive a truck and rates will improve? When folks say it will get better what is that based on?
Replied on Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 12:43 PM CST
Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times…. And so it goes… If a guy can hold on….
Replied on Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 03:10 PM CST
- 1
Quote: "Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times…. And so it goes… If a guy can hold on…."

A slowdown this time of year is pretty common, but it's been worse this year. Having a much warmer than normal winter has made road salt loads disappear, corn vomitoxin levels in certain parts of the country are slowing feed movement, the U.S cattle herd is it's smallest since the 1950s, and the price of U.S commodities are too high compared to some of our global competitors. So... we sit until things get sorted out. But the thing is, if you are an O/O with a clean driving/criminal record, you can go to work for a few of the large companies like Walmart & Loves and make as much or more money without the hassle of putting together loads or repairing equipment. I am in a good position financially, but I hate selling myself short. My wife keeps a spreadsheet of income and expenses. So far 2024 is starting out as one of the least profitable in my 5 years as an O/O.

Replied on Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 07:08 AM CST
Quote: "Steve, where are based out of?"

I'm in Michigan with the same problem. Have any ideas?

Replied on Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 08:55 AM CST

Sorry to hear about everything! I'm pretty new in the bulk game, with your specialized hopper, what types of product are you able to haul?

Replied on Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 09:46 AM CST
I got a 39 ft. East End dump I'll rent ya..
Replied on Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 07:08 AM CST
Quote: "Auburn IL"

Email me or text me, Steven. I get emails ALL the time from a up in Illinois and such.
[email protected] or 620-203-8177

Replied on Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 07:08 AM CST
- 1
Quote: "I'm in Michigan with the same problem. Have any ideas?"

If you email me or text me, we can compare notes. Maybe I've got some ideas that you haven't tried.
[email protected] or 620-203-8177....you can even call if you don't text.

Replied on Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 07:41 AM CST
- 1
Quote: "Auburn IL"

What about adm down there in auburn or b and b elevator
Replied on Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 04:37 PM CST
+ 1
Quote: "Steven, It is hard to compete as a one-man show in the hopper work when most companies are looking to make one phone call and cover 50 loads. Perhaps you should look into leasing to a local hopper carrier in your area that can leverage its size to gain work. I am afraid unless you find a carrier or broker to pass work your way, surviving as a single truck operation is going to be very difficult. It is not impossible, but it will be difficult. "

Im thinkin it that way for every small guy. If ya don't have the "Minumum" of trucks they won't talk to ya. Even in the high pressure industry. Things are really changin for the little guy.

Replied on Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 01:15 PM CST
Can't give up till they come take your equipment im getting a dot audit and Indiana sent me a 3900 fine for last year's 3rd quarter fuel tax that I have papers for but they can't find.
Replied on Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 04:25 PM CST

Steven, dont give up! Us Steven's gotta stick together!

I dispatch for a company that runs a bunch of hopper work! Hit me up! We can keep you rolling.

Replied on Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 04:08 PM CST
+ 1

Hey, Weare all in the same boat and Im on the verge of saying the hell with it. I have a reefer and stepdeck cogestoga along with a 3 axle high side hopper and I cant seem to find work unless u want to haul cheap so when does a guy say enough is enough? The thing that keeps me going is my family mostly but after 31 yrs and I've never seen it this bad,so try n hang in there n hope for the best is what I say.

Replied on Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 06:33 AM CST
+ 1 - 1

I sat at home this week. Putting together a round that paid well enough to turn the key just didn't happen. I don't mind living on the road when it pays well, but lately it just isn't worth it.

Replied on Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 07:08 PM CST
We’re hiring company drivers for hoppers and tankers in the Midwest
Replied on Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 10:15 AM CST
Quote: "Auburn IL"

Call gwilliam transportation in carlinville,

Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 12:37 PM CST
I’d like to thank everyone who responded to my forum message but unfortunately things didn’t work out as I hoped and we tried to get help to get on the right path but unfortunately we have failed and apparently nobody was able to get on the same page and this time I just don’t see a way to recover at this point and I’ve come to the conclusion that I will have to close my doors and walk away all I wanted was to do my own thing and be happy and left alone I wasn’t looking to have a big fleet of trucks or nor do I want to step on anyone’s toes I just wanted to drive my own truck and do what I loved doing and no questions asked so at this point I don’t see anything changing or signs of getting out there to recover so tomorrow morning I’m going to get the process started to close my business and sell my truck I was renting a low side hopper and we rented a taller trailer from a company that we worked with but unfortunately it didn’t work out and no one was on the same page with me and in the mix of things I ended up returning the low side hopper I was renting when I very first posted this last month and we lost so I just wanted to thank everyone for the help
Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 07:39 PM CST
Quote: "If your trying to make big money and be home every night it's not going to happen"

Where did I say that in my original post??
Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 07:39 PM CST
Quote: "We’re hiring company drivers for hoppers and tankers in the Midwest"

Sorry I’m not interested in a company driving position if I sell out ill be done driving period
Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 07:41 PM CST
- 1
Quote: "I’d like to thank everyone who responded to my forum message but unfortunately things didn’t work out as I hoped and we tried to get help to get on the right path but unfortunately we have failed and apparently nobody was able to get on the same page and this time I just don’t see a way to recover at this point and I’ve come to the conclusion that I will have to close my doors and walk away all I wanted was to do my own thing and be happy and left alone I wasn’t looking to have a big fleet of trucks or nor do I want to step on anyone’s toes I just wanted to drive my own truck and do what I loved doing and no questions asked so at this point I don’t see anything changing or signs of getting out there to recover so tomorrow morning I’m going to get the process started to close my business and sell my truck I was renting a low side hopper and we rented a taller trailer from a company that we worked with but unfortunately it didn’t work out and no one was on the same page with me and in the mix of things I ended up returning the low side hopper I was renting when I very first posted this last month and we lost so I just wanted to thank everyone for the help"

Steven, have you considered leasing your truck on to another company? If you and your truck are reliable, I'm sure there are a few companies that would love to have you.

It's been tough lately. When rates tanked in other sectors of trucking some of those carriers (Prime Inc. and others) wondered over to bulk thinking they would make better money. Now, we have too many carriers fighting over scraps. I would imagine that a lot of carriers and owner operators are just one breakdown or 10 cent jump in national fuel price from going broke.

I've considered throwing in the towel. I actually had a couple interviews with a large hazmat company last week. The money and benefits being offered to drive regional and be home daily was better than I make as an O/O. But, as I test drove their truck it just didn't feel right. I've run my own truck and traveled across the country with my wife for 5 years now. I turned down a heck of a good job. Only time will tell if it was a good choice...

Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 07:41 PM CST
Another thing. I had a 72 tall timpte. No problems on most things. Only midds and soy hills. They had to be flat rated. Don't hold much. But I hauled everything else.
Replied on Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 07:42 PM CST
I had the same problem. Dealer sat on my truck for 4 months and I sold out. But I still managed to make 184k in less than 7 months and did not work a lot of that. I hauled lots of stuff up your way. Quick easy money for a farmer I know in SW corner off MN/NE/IA. He has farm there and in NW S Dakota and friend in IL. He paid me 50 a ton to haul corn, wheat etc. gave me a check right there at his farm when I dumped. I can get you his name number if I look a bit. Or call Paul at H&S logistics 785-404-2244 Or Andrew or Eli at RFG can't remember number but you can find it in the rocker search. They always paid me good. Just do not haul any one else's loads for any reason or they will get a ride and screw you around. That goes for every broker I used and I used a lot of them. I used to have a lady that had real good paying loads but not sure where she went off to.
Replied on Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:38 AM CST

We started as a trucking company 3 years ago with 1 truck/trailer. Now, we are up to 7 owned and 2 leased. I will not take loads for my drivers if the rate is too cheap. I will tell the broker that the rate is not high enough and I move on. Shoot me an email if you might want to lease onto us. I'll do the calling around to find you the loads. I've been able to keep all 9 of our trucks out all week.

[email protected]

Replied on Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 03:46 PM CST
+ 1
Quote: "We started as a trucking company 3 years ago with 1 truck/trailer. Now, we are up to 7 owned and 2 leased. I will not take loads for my drivers if the rate is too cheap. I will tell the broker that the rate is not high enough and I move on. Shoot me an email if you might want to lease onto us. I'll do the calling around to find you the loads. I've been able to keep all 9 of our trucks out all week. [email protected]"

Look how you started your comment, you started a trucking COMPANY not a hobby or life style most good drivers are terrible business people and fail, trucking is a business you need a business plan and you need to operate it on a sound business practice and that is how you will prosper, to many people buy a truck and then go and try to find work, you don't build a factory and then go look for something to build ??????

Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 07:22 AM CST
Low side hopper so I think I waited too late
Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 07:24 AM CST
Quote: "Look how you started your comment, you started a trucking COMPANY not a hobby or life style most good drivers are terrible business people and fail, trucking is a business you need a business plan and you need to operate it on a sound business practice and that is how you will prosper, to many people buy a truck and then go and try to find work, you don't build a factory and then go look for something to build ?????? "

Wow it’s obvious that you don’t understand what I was saying in my original post but everyone is really quick to back me into a corner to lease on and I end paying all the bills while they take 20 % of my pay and run me on broker loads which is what I have been doing and it’s not me I don’t have that much overhead to begin with but it’s the low rates and I started with a low side ho
Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 09:55 AM CST
+ 1

No you don't understand, in the past 50 years I have watched many come and go and they all have had the same problem ? no business plan no work lined up and no back up plan, somehow I would have figured that if there is no freight than I would haul something different your truck does not care what you haul so you must just really want to be a hopper hauler, it must have been your dream to enjoy the hopper hauler lifestyle which brings me back my point it is a business, no plan no business so now you can join the ranks those that tried and failed because although you may be a fantatstic driver your not a good business person, it's just the way it is and the truth is ugly, I would assume your not driving a 300hp. day cab with no sleeper which in most cases if you want be close to home would work fine and I would also assume that you have not gone out to every farm and place that would need a hopper with a handfull of business cards or pamphlets to promote your business, unlike the field of dreams where if you build it they will come which is s fantasy a business is brutal and unforgiving and if you have quit you learned a valuable lesson and next time you might do better, you should always learn from your mistakes, there is lots of money to be made in the trucking business but be a business person first and truck driver second, find a niche and exploit it, our primary trucking business is something that most people don't even know exists we move airplanes ? and we have very little competition because it requires a crew with extraordinary talent and dedication which is in short supply in the country, good luck on next try because if you any spine you will try again.

Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 01:19 PM CST
Quote: "No you don't understand, in the past 50 years I have watched many come and go and they all have had the same problem ? no business plan no work lined up and no back up plan, somehow I would have figured that if there is no freight than I would haul something different your truck does not care what you haul so you must just really want to be a hopper hauler, it must have been your dream to enjoy the hopper hauler lifestyle which brings me back my point it is a business, no plan no business so now you can join the ranks those that tried and failed because although you may be a fantatstic driver your not a good business person, it's just the way it is and the truth is ugly, I would assume your not driving a 300hp. day cab with no sleeper which in most cases if you want be close to home would work fine and I would also assume that you have not gone out to every farm and place that would need a hopper with a handfull of business cards or pamphlets to promote your business, unlike the field of dreams where if you build it they will come which is s fantasy a business is brutal and unforgiving and if you have quit you learned a valuable lesson and next time you might do better, you should always learn from your mistakes, there is lots of money to be made in the trucking business but be a business person first and truck driver second, find a niche and exploit it, our primary trucking business is something that most people don't even know exists we move airplanes ? and we have very little competition because it requires a crew with extraordinary talent and dedication which is in short supply in the country, good luck on next try because if you any spine you will try again. "


Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 04:29 PM CST
+ 1

Driver for for 31 or owner for 31 world of difference

Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:46 PM CST
One more thing. A big part of my problem was not having my own authority. Making lots of cash gets downgraded when you give away 30,000 or more a year to simply use another's authority. Do you have your own ?
Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:48 PM CST
Quote: "Wow it’s obvious that you don’t understand what I was saying in my original post but everyone is really quick to back me into a corner to lease on and I end paying all the bills while they take 20 % of my pay and run me on broker loads which is what I have been doing and it’s not me I don’t have that much overhead to begin with but it’s the low rates and I started with a low side ho"

Lease on did not work for me. A few paid okay but then they always started giving me loads I would not haul so I'd dump them. I refuse to haul sticky stuff. I simply am not physically able to pry it out. I make this clear right up front. But it does no good. People just don't like to honor their agreements these days. And again I say , that low hopper stops nothing. I used a 66 inch ag trailer for quite a while until I rented a 78 and then bought a trailer and was 72 inches. I made plenty of cash. You need good broker . I suggest you call who I suggested. Unless you don't want to go far from home. I only ran the mid west and still do. Illinois, Mo, IA, NE, CO only to Denver no further in, TX, OK, KS, AR, LA, sometimes to SC cuz it paid real good.
Replied on Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:48 PM CST
Trailer. If you need to rent a 78 inch tall trailer I can tell you where you might just get one. Where I rented mine. Good people and he also has decent paying grain loads around the ne KS area. 90 bushel for wheat is not bad. I can also hook you up with good people that will buy a trailer for you and lease it to you for 1 dollar buy out. That is how I bought mine. They will buy you any you want. New or used. It's a bit pricey but still a good deal if you need it. I paid about 12k to have them buy me a 46k trailer. They will buy you any equipment you want if you have the ability to make payments. They are real nice people. My trailer cost me 1270 a month.
Replied on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 11:05 AM CST
If you don’t mind being gone for 3 weeks at a time start checking out Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas in the oilfield. It’s not fantastic right now but better than nothing. They’re using hoppers a lot now. Low side hopper should work as sand is heavy. There are a lot of companies hiring with hoppers right now. Just have to make sure they take double hopper and don’t require single hopper. I left, I have a pneumatic and they’ve about completely moved away from them. Just a suggestion since things seem to be slow for you right now. I guess it can’t hurt to try. Google some of the companies or Facebook sand haulers of America (I think). Good luck.
Replied on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:27 PM CST
Quote: "I'm in Michigan with the same problem. Have any ideas?"

Get a hold of me [email protected]
Replied on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:28 PM CST
- 1
Over the years there have been many fleet operations that had been around for a hundred years, run by accountants with business degrees, that went broke, some had hundreds of trucks, most had direct customers, then times got hard and poof they were gone, it’s important to understand your competition especially in this market, there are many folks out there who have a second source of revenue such as a farmer, then there are the private fleets owned by shippers, they also are not solely dependent on revenue from the trucks, but they will always take that backhaul rate to get the trucks back home, then there are the folks who retired from some other industry, their home is paid off, there kids are gone and they have a pension and no bills, they are not here for the money, they are here for the lifestyle, they simply want to travel and see the country and have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, this is your competition they will be here when most of us are gone. The hard times haven’t even started yet, 1929 2.0 is still coming.
Replied on Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 04:01 PM CST
Quote: "Over the years there have been many fleet operations that had been around for a hundred years, run by accountants with business degrees, that went broke, some had hundreds of trucks, most had direct customers, then times got hard and poof they were gone, it’s important to understand your competition especially in this market, there are many folks out there who have a second source of revenue such as a farmer, then there are the private fleets owned by shippers, they also are not solely dependent on revenue from the trucks, but they will always take that backhaul rate to get the trucks back home, then there are the folks who retired from some other industry, their home is paid off, there kids are gone and they have a pension and no bills, they are not here for the money, they are here for the lifestyle, they simply want to travel and see the country and have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, this is your competition they will be here when most of us are gone. The hard times haven’t even started yet, 1929 2.0 is still coming."

I agree. I've seen slow during Q1 every year, but this just feels different. Hopefully we're both wrong