Home > Forum > Mulch Manufacturing Inc. Reynoldsburg, OH

Mulch Manufacturing Inc. - Reynoldsburg, OH

Aug 07, 2023 at 07:45 AM CST
+ 2

Good Morning Everyone:

I was just curious to know if anyone on here has hauled for Mulch Manufacturing Inc. out of Reynoldsburg, OH? If you have hauled for them, were you paid in a timely manner as we have many many outstanding invoices with them and they are all well past 90 days and have yet to receive a payment from the loads we hauled. If any of you on here have had dealings with them this year, I would love to hear your input regarding their payment history with you. I appreciate your time and thoughts regarding this matter.

Replied on Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 10:34 AM CST

Similar experience.

Replied on Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 07:27 AM CST

And u can kiss ur money good bye..they are a group of bottom feeders...invoices from November of last year....