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What came first?

Apr 09, 2017 at 04:54 PM CST
+ 1
I have often times wondered what came first?

The greedy company?

The lazy worker?

This one may never be answered, it really depends on which side of the view you are on. First let us examine the workers view point.

The worker should be compensated according to performance on the job. Plain and simple. When the worker performs the job desired by the company then they should be paid a fair wage compensatory with their work.

Many companies have forgotten to pay their workers or sub-contractors compensatory to the value of the work that is being performed. This in turn leads to a worker mentality of why try harder, why should I give a damn about the company. It creates an us against them environment. No matter what the company trys to do and encourage greater performance in this environment they will not receive such from this type of mentality and relationship. It is much better to find the acceptable profit line between the company and the worker and pay the worker according to their performance. This creates and environment where the worker feels that they are part of the company and not just a number that is being used and abused.

Now the companies side of things:

When a company extends itself to the profitability line for the worker, and the performance falls by the worker. The company then in turn will suffer and bleed on behalf of the lack of performance by the worker or sub-contractor. This in turn creates another we against them mentality, from the company to the worker. Once the company reboots and starts with newer and younger workers they will start them cheaper than the prior group. The company now has entered in the greed zone unknowingly and before long realizes that they can get performance with paying for it. So the process begins and the cycle just continues until eiither the company releases the worker for a cheaper worker, or the worker moves on to a better paying company.

This has been going on for over forty years now, and the MegaCorps have either continued in this practice of replacing older workers with cheaper younger workers, or moving their business operations to other nations to obtain cheaper labor. All the while shipping their widgets back here for us to buy. We could have put a stop to the cycle a long time ago by just not buying these MegaCorps widgets and took our business elsewhere. We don't and sometimes we can't because we ourselves have been caught in the greedmonster cycle and now can only afford the cheapest instead of the best.

What came first? I don't know the answer and probaly never will. I just think that both sides need to view the other as a team instead of how they can use and abuse each other.

MegaCorps!!! Have you not made enough money off the backs of your workers? Do you not think it is time to start repaying those that built you? Are you that afraid of us that you still have to lobby the poopershittens to make laws against us? While you continue to display the attitude towards the working class that built you, I would caution you to remember that without us you would not be able to make any money at all. Just who in the world would build your widgets and haul them to market if and when the workers have had enough? Surely not the poopershittens that you are throwing your money at, they barely can even work, they seem to be the best at twisting words and bickering.

Workers!!! Do you not have any pride in your craft anymore? If you dont like the wage your are receiving then find another gig that will fulfill you. The power to say no and move on is what makes this nation so great. We can choose to bitch about not getting what we want or we can earn what we want. It is totally up to you, I personally would not stick around and work for somebody that did not compensate me for my worth. Remember if you went and got yourself overextended in debt, that is not your companies fault. Clean up your debt and work for a reasonable and profitable rate according to your performance.

I do not want the gooberment to get any more involved in my life than they currently are. i just want them to leave me and all the other small business folks alone. We just want to recapture what is rightfully ours. Freedom with Integrity.
Replied on Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 12:50 PM CST
+ 1
Like the chicken...or the egg...
It seems over the years.. the companys cut back to try to save money...and the employee got tired of trying to be loyal to the company and get laid off all the time..so its.. ohhh we have to make more money.and cut back on workers..And ...its who cares... all im going to do is get laid off anyway so why work hard... where it used to be where the employer in slow times kept the guy working...and funny thing here..the worker in busy times would go the extra mile and give the employer a buck ten of work... for that buck in pay..funny how that works...
Replied on Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 03:58 PM CST
Quote: "Like the chicken...or the egg... It seems over the years.. the companys cut back to try to save money...and the employee got tired of trying to be loyal to the company and get laid off all the time..so its.. ohhh we have to make more money.and cut back on workers..And ...its who cares... all im going to do is get laid off anyway so why work hard... where it used to be where the employer in slow times kept the guy working...and funny thing here..the worker in busy times would go the extra mile and give the employer a buck ten of work... for that buck in pay..funny how that works..."

I have always watched the cycle as well of them getting rid of the older workers to replace them with younger cheaper workers. I personally have seen this cycle four times in my life. I wonder if that is how it always was, even before me. They just phase out the older persons job, and create the same job with a new name for the younger replacement. So much for the age discrimination law that was supposed to protect the older worker from being rooked from a retirement. That is the way the MegaCorps do it, leave them a slimy wormhole to slither through so they can continue to function in greed and dishonor instead of being honorable.

You get what you pay for is what I was always taught.

Loyalty begats loyalty, is the code that I live by.

MegaCorps have not by and large been loyal to us, so why should I be loyal to them. I will be their huckleberry and mercenary man, you gotta pay to play with me MegaCorps.. If not then my toys and myself can just sit at the house until one of you screw up and call me for the oh shitter. Like you said Jeff, if a man is compensated properly and they have a good work ethic, they will give all that they can for their company. They feel that fhey are valued by the company and want to contribute to the team.

The worker no longer feels valued at most MegaCorps today, so therefor they will give the minimum performance for the pay they receive.

It is the chicken and the egg.